Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting Organized with The Can Organizer!

Since you have now seen my food storage...I thought I'd tell you where the can organizers/rotation systems came from!!

I don't know if you noticed them in the pictures of my pantry in my kitchen, but they are awesome! They fit lots of cans of our favorite 'staples' and it leaves my other shelves where my second half of my 3 month supply is, more room for more food:)

They were purchased from The Can Organizer website:

They are a steal compared to others that are made, and I also feel as though they are worth the money to just get them all ready to put together (which is super fast) than getting the supplies, and taking the time to do it yourself...aka, having your husband do it himself, lol.

I ordered the cupboard size, which are shorter than the pantry size because my shelves are not very wide, and they fit perfectly.

My Food Storage Pics

It's been awhile since I've posted anything! I am getting use to my new calling as stake home storage specialist, so I don't get on too much now:)

I thought I'd share a few pictures with you! It's kind of embarrassing for me to share my personal pics, but I have A LOT of people ask me to see MY food storage, so I thought I'd share a few pictures. For a couple of reasons:
1..I believe anyone can find somewhere to store their food and supplies
2..It's not as fancy as everyone thinks:)
3..Having a picture in your mind helps you picture your own food supply in your home and it doesn't seem so scary.
Here is my pantry/closet in my kitchen (which is tiny!)
As you can see, I use my containers we had an order for, quite a bit! I use them for some of my cereal, and also for my opened pouches/cans of beans, pancake mix, wheat, rice, apple slices, etc.

Here is the other half of my 3 month supply..

I use the food from my pantry first, then 'shop' on these shelves before going to the long term storage. Every time I use something and take it from my storage, I still put it on my grocery list, so I can try to stay stocked.

Here is my 'long term' supply of food.
I have a wide variety of food, most of what they have available at the cannery, and also, oil, salt, honey, fruits, cheeses, veggies, etc. Also on top of the pouches you will find my food storage binder (which I think is a must) and all of our 72 hour food kits.

Ever since my sister came to live with us, we haven't had a bedroom set because we gave it to her to use, so along our room wall has been the perfect spot for our food:) It may not look like a nice dresser with a sweet looking mirror that I eventually would love to have, but I feel so happy every night and morning when I get to go to sleep and wake up knowing we will be prepared as much as we can, for whatever may come our way.

It really doesn't take up too much room, right?!! I feel ok with keeping it covered because I have a container in the pantry with all the same food items, but I just keep what I am using in the kitchen. Plus, my children like to try to climb the 'mountain' of food, lol, so it's best if covered!

I know I am sorta geeky, but I also, for my use only, have made a layout, if you will, of my long term food items. It helps me know where to find things when I need them and it gives me a good idea of what I need to use up first.

I just numbered the stacks at the top...the rectangles are my stacks of pouches (two rows deep) and the circles are my buckets (two rows deep). I also keep track of when I pack them by putting the date below the product. I also put all the other random stuff I have there in cans and such, on the list of items in the big rectangle. It looks pretty sloppy, but just as I can make sense of the mess, lol.

To help stay organized, I also have a spreadsheet with the following information: Item of food/supply/water, how much/weight, and I have each item split up by how it is packed (# of pouches, buckets, cans, or original container). I tried to post that too, but couldn't:)

Well, that's it! I am still working on my food storage for my family. Right now I'd say I have plenty for how much my family eats right now, but as my children grow, I will need to get more. It's a lot of work, but so worth the effort!! Good luck with your own food storage!