Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pantry Secrets

Hey All!

I just wanted to let you all know about a great bread making class I was able to attend. I learned how to make yummy bread in only 1 hour from start to finish! So in 1 hour from start to finish, I can be eating my yummy bread, and have most of the mess cleaned up!

I learned how to make pizza dough, cinammon bread, rolls, soup bowls, italian breads, buns, etc. with the same dough!

It really is so easy! Click on the link to see how it's done!

There is one simple product that makes this bread possible. And the best part is that it is cheap, and lasts indefinately!

Please let me know if you'd like to have more information!
Happy Baking!


Ward Assigned Canning Dates for 2011

We have the new stake canning schedule done for the year 2011. This coming year, in hopes of getting more members of our stake at the cannery, we have given each ward an assigned month to go to the cannery. Of course, anyone can go to the cannery other months as needed, but we would like the members to feel like they are given that time to themselves..and hopefully it will not be so intimidating to have the entire stake going at once and they will be with people they know.

Texas East Stake Cannery Assigned Dates For 2011

January: Tuesday 4th, 6-9 Summerwood
February: Tuesday 1st 6-9 Eagle Springs
March: Tuesday 1st 6-9 Pasadena 2
May: Tuesday 3rd 6-9 Liberty
June: Tuesday 7th 6-9 Baytown 1
August: Tuesday 2nd 6-9 Baytown 2
September: Tuesday 6th 6-9 Pine Trails
November: Tuesday 1st 6-9 Fall Creek & Lake Houston (YSA)
December: Tuesday 6th 6-9 Baytown 3 (Spanish branch

Be sure to mark your calenders and make arrangements to attend the canning date for your ward;)

